Monday 25 August 2014

Create CSS Hyper link - CSS Hyperlink Code

Showing CSS Hyperlink is a good way of attracting visitors towards your links Products.You can create easily CSS Hyperlink by reading this tutorial.CSS Hyperlink code is available here via Emerging Bloggers Platform.
You just need to past below HTML Code into your website.Simple editing required.Put your targeted URL and text in this code and use it on your website.


Here goes an example Emerging Blogger.

CSS Hyperlink code:

<style type="text/css">
.example1 a {font-family:Georgia,serif; font-size:large}
.example1 a:link {color:forestgreen;}
.example1 a:visited {color:seagreen;}
.example1 a:hover {text-decoration:none;color:yellowgreen;font-weight:bold;}
.example1 a:active {color:red;text-decoration: none}
<!-- Place the above styles between the document's <head></head> tags or in an external stylesheet -->
<div class="example1">Here goes an example <a href="">Emerging Blogger</a>.</div>

Monday 21 July 2014

Trendy - Simple Attractive Blogger Template with Menu bar Scrolling Effect free Download

Trendy is a beautiful simple attractive Blogger Template with Menu bar scrolling (Floating) effect. Trendy is in blue beautiful color with Google fast loading fonts.Trendy is SEO Friendly, its easies to use, even a new blogger can easily customize it.Its attractive Simple Blogger Template, you can download trendy Blogger Template with just one click. 

Trendy Blogger Template
Trendy Blogger Template have Google Adsense integration already, Best Locations for Ads.
Download Trendy Attractive Blogger Template for free.

Saturday 19 July 2014

Network Operation Systems - Linux | UNIX | Netware | NT Server | Solaris other Networking Servers

Network Operating System - An operating system that supports network is called network operating system. It normally works on a server.Some Examples of Network operating system are windows NT Server, Windows 2000 server, NetWare, Linux and solaris.

1: NetWare
                    Novell,s Netware is a network operating system.It has developed by Novell during mid 1980,s.It is designed for client/server networks.The server portion of this operating system resides on network server and client portion resides on each client computer.
2: Windows NT Server:
                                    Windows NT Server is a product of Microsoft. It is designed for client/server networks.The server in the network uses Windows NT Server. The client computers use Windows NT Workstation or other stand-alone version of windows.
3: Windows 2003 Server:
                                        Windows 2003 server is an upgraded version of windows 2000 server. It has some additional features. It Provides the facilities of website management and hosting application development tools etc.

3: UNIX:
               UNIX is a Multitasking operating system. It was developed in early 1970s at Bell Labroratories. Many versions of this operating system are available. It uses command-line interface. It is mainly use in network environments. It is very popular for its security.

4: Linux:
               Linux is free and multitasking operating system. It was developed in 1991. It is an open source Software. It means that its code is available to the public. Some version of Linux use command-line interface and others use GUI. Some most widely used versions of Linux are from RedHat and Caldera.

5: Solaris:
                 Solaris is a version of UNIX operating system. It was developed by Sun Microsystems. It is a network operating system designed for e-commerce applications.It can manage high traffic accounts and security for web transactions. The client version of Solaris is called CDE. Its stands for Common Desktop Environment.

Thursday 17 July 2014

Best Responsive 3 Column Attractive Blogger Template Free Download - Attractive Blogger Template

Download Best Responsive Blogger Template.Its great attractive, simple and 3 Column Blogger Template. If you are going to create a simple and attractive blog for you, then its best Attractive and Responsive Blogger Template for you.

  • Responsive Blogger Template:

Responsive Templates

Click Above to download this best responsive Blogger Template for your Blog through Emerging Bloggers Platform.
Name: Responsive Blogger Template.

Simple News Revolution Blogger Template Free Download - News Blogger Templates 2014

Simple News Revolution Blogger Template is an excellent News Blogger Template.You can Download Simple News Revolution Blogger Template for free from here.Its an excellent and responsive News Blogger Template for new bloggers.Its easy to handle for emerging Bloggers (New Bloggers).So Be ready for This beautiful News blogger theme.

Simple News Revolution:

Name :  Simple News Revolution.
Type:    3 Column 2 Sidebars. 

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Use Your Google+ Plus Profile for SEO of Your Blog/Website - Increase Visitors For Free

Use your Google+ Plus Profile for Better SEO Of your Blog or Website.Your Google+ Plus Profile is the best source of Search Engine Optimization.You can use Your Google Plus Profile for Optimization of your blog content.If you write a good and informative content and not have visitors to read, then its horrible for you and your blog.
In This tutorial i will inform you about Google Plus Profile advantages.There are lot of social networks yor are using, Most Popular are Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and ETC.I know you are using facebook or twitter more commonly than of Google+ Plus.For your Kind Information, Google+ plus Profile has best SEO for your Blog or Website.If you are going to Post something Publicly in Google+ Plus, then you will notice immediately Visitors attention towards your Google+ Post.

I will Show you how you can increase your blog visitors by using your Google+ Plus Profile in just few Minutes.

1: Just Share Your Blog post to Google+ Plus, For Example i am sharing my Post How to redirect your Blogger Blogspot Domain name to your own custom name.

2: i Share this URL to Google+ Plus with some keywords in description written in first paragraph of My tutorial.

3: Post That on Google Plus.

4: You have done, Now you can Search about this topic on Google search engine, you will find your Google Plus Post on every page of Google Search.

Note: This will work only Google Search Engine, i may not work on others.

If you like this Article, then please Share it.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

How to Redirect Your Blogger to Custom Domain Name - Convert Bolgspot to custom domain name

Blogger is a free webhosting service which empower common money less user to share his idea , thoughts , knowledge and talent to world.Usually a common blogger use google domain name such as This domain name increase your blogger/site ranking gradually and slowly but you can replace google domain name to your paid domain name such as with blogger free hosting.By adding domain name .com your blogger ranking will increase fastly and your pages will show in first page of Google search.
Buy a custom domain name from any company.
Be sure that your domain name is registered.
To apply that domain name follow the instructions below.

1: Go to blogger>setting>basics

2:click edit and enter a bought custom domain name below.

3:click on save button then note that codes that google will tell you important codes.

These are two Cnames given by google to submit these CNAMES to your domain hosting company DNS management.You find your DNS Manager in your domain hosting company profile after login to your domain name hosting company website.
Put these to CNAMES to DNS Manager and click to save.
After saving your CNAME go to your blogger after some hours and put again your domain name in Advanced setting in blogger and enter yourdomain name again.
click to save then your setting will be save and your blogger will redirect your blogger within 24 hour.

How to Create "Back to TOP" Floating Button for your Blogger.

I told you about how to create drop down Menu in last article.Now i will tell you about the creation of Back t Top Button widget. Its Very Useful for Bloggers to create a Back to Top or Go to Top Floating Button for their website.Yes You can do it with very easy steps given below from Emerging Bloggers . 

Just follow the instructions Below !

Go to Blogger Dashboard >Layout>Add gadget>Past below code to HTML saver.

<a href=''><img alt='Bhakkartv' src=''/></a><script type="text/JavaScript">
var topMargin = 300
var slideTime = 1200
var ns6 = (!document.all && document.getElementById);
var ie4 = (document.all);
var ns4 = (document.layers);
window.setInterval("main()", 10)

function floatObject() {
if (ns4 || ns6) {
findHt = window.innerHeight;
} else if(ie4) {
findHt = document.body.clientHeight;

function main() {
if (ns4) {
this.currentY =;
this.scrollTop = window.pageYOffset;
} else if(ns6) {
this.currentY = parseInt(document.getElementById('floatLayer');
this.scrollTop = scrollY;
} else if(ie4) {
this.currentY =;
this.scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop;

function mainTrigger() {
var newTargetY = this.scrollTop + this.topMargin
if ( this.currentY != newTargetY ) {
if ( newTargetY != this.targetY ) {
this.targetY = newTargetY

function floatStart() {
var now = new Date()
this.A = this.targetY - this.currentY
this.B = Math.PI / ( 2 * this.slideTime )
this.C = now.getTime()
if (Math.abs(this.A) > this.findHt) {
this.D = this.A > 0 ? this.targetY - this.findHt : this.targetY + this.findHt
this.A = this.A > 0 ? this.findHt : -this.findHt
} else {
this.D = this.currentY
function animator() {
var now = new Date()
var newY = this.A * Math.sin( this.B * ( now.getTime() - this.C ) ) + this.D
newY = Math.round(newY)
if (( this.A > 0 && newY > this.currentY ) || ( this.A < 0 && newY < this.currentY )) {
if ( ie4 ) = newY
if ( ns4 ) = newY
if ( ns6 )document.getElementById('floatLayer') = newY + "px"
<div id="floatLayer" style="position: absolute; height:20px; width:20; left:650px; top:300px; z-index: 100"><a href="#"><img vspace="0" border="0" hspace="0" alt="Back to Top" src="" title="Back To Top Of Page" /></a></div>

Fix "SSL Certificate of this site is not trusted" error in chrome, Firefox, internet explorer and almost all browsers.

I am receiving lot of complains that when someone open any HTTPS site or any official site an error show, that "SSL Certificate of this site is not trusted in chrome or firefox " and visitors can never open website they want.Users receive red sign in url HTTPS area.

1st: Set your Computer time and date.


The computer you are using have an IP address.The website you want to open have also an IP Address of its own.When both IP addresses matches then you will see a website open in front of you.If these IP Address not matched then you can never watch website you want.
Your IP address take instructions from your location.Suppose you live in Pakistan then your computer date and time should set according to your area Pakistan.If your computer date and time is not set according to your area , then its hard to find your IP Address location for a website. You will found as this site is not trusted.
After setting your time and date , are you facing same problem ??

2nd:click on HTTPS red error and enable all items.
After fixing above time and date problem your problem should solve.If you are facing same problem then open website you want to visit, you will find red error on HTTPS , click on that error and enable all permissions, such as popups,images, java scripts, location and e.t.c.
Your problem will be solve 100%.
If you have any complaint about this tutorial kindly write in below comment Box.

How To Apply External desire Blogger Template to Blogger.

Most of new Blogger just can apply Blogger Custom template.They not know they can upload external beautufil desire blogger template for their Blogger.Lot of Blogger Templates are available online.Lot of websites are working to create new up to date designs for bloggers.Thousends of blogger templates you can search as you
want.Different categories are available for you. Choose you template and Download it.Mostly you will receive an ZIP file, but you can get direct XML file by entering in ZIP file.
When you find XML file then follow below instructions to upload it to your blogger.

Emerging Bloggers
You will receive this page as seen above.Now choose your XML file you want to upload and upload it.Within few seconds it will be upload on your blogger/site.
If you have any problem , any suggestion kindly tell me below comment chat. 

HTTP / HTTPS - Difference between http and https.

Whenever You visit any website you see in URL Bar HTTP Mostly, But it suddenly change when you any other website such as Facebook or twitter to HTTPS.So what is the difference Between HTTP and HTTPwebsites.

First you have to aware that HTTP Stands for Hyper Text Transport Protocol and the addition make it Hyper Text Protocol Secure.Its mean the communicating website is connecting to you in secure way so your data should not leak.The S secure your data from hackers, so we can say that it is Filter paper that seperate good guy and bad guy.
Mostly When you visit shopping , Paypal , Payza any social networking website such as Facebook and twitter then you will see HTTPS in your URL Bar.In shoping websites you will add your credit card number and other secret Information to their data.These website secure your Information in a secure way, 
So be aware !!! when you need to enter your Credit card in any website , first check above that HTTPS Shows or not.If Not then avoid from entering your Card so it can be hack.
So Hyper text transport protocol secure is indicated way for buying something.
If you have any Question About it kindly tell me in Below comment BOX.

How to add your Image in google search with your blog/website ?

Google search result

Its easiest way to add your image in google search results with your website or blog.You have noticed in google search results that many of Images of web owners appear with different websites.
Now you want to add your image with your blog/website search results.First you need to organize your google+ account in better way as you organize twitter or facebook account.Add an Profile Picture of You in Google+.Add some your introduction in info.
Then follow the instructions Below,

1: Go to your Google+ Profile.
2: write an URL Use name/about                                                        Watch like my >
3: Edit your information
4: Search on this page Contribute to Option and edit it.
5: write all your website and blogs at there and save it.
You have done

Now You have to wait 24 Hours to see its working.After 24 your image will be display with the search result of your blog or website.

Get Free Master card at your home - free master card via

Its easy that you can make your Business Online with online payments methods.So, Make your Prepaid Master card for free with absolutely free, Just sign up for Payoneer from here , Add your Information and submit.
But remember ! 1st They will approve or Disapprove your application.Mostly you will approve and withing few weeks you ATM Prepaid master card will arrive to your House Address , No Mater where you live.
The main thing is that you will receive your Card at home for free without any fee.I have also received my Card through wire transfer to My Home.
So ,Click here To Order a Free Master Card.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Easy Gif Animator Free Download | Best Banner making software

Its an big an intresting task for new Bloggers to make attractive animated banner adds for their new Blogs and Websites.They search different softwares and gadgets for This purpose But i am going to tell you a best Animating Banner adds software “Easy Gif Animator”.Its free to download.Easy to Use.You can make hundred of desire animated add banners of any size from easy gif animator.
When i was new , i tried different of software but this is the best software.You can make any type of animated banners even different types of Buttons an many things that you use in your banners and blogs, e.g Sign up Button or Download now button and e.t.c.Main feature is , Easy Gif Animator is very eary to use.
You can download easy gif animator from Emerging Bloggers.So, get ready for new and attractive addition in your website.Click Below to Download Easy Gif Animator.

How To Make Flying Tweet Bird for websites | Get Twitter flying Bird Widget

You Know that Twitter is the world,s Number one Social Network.Everyone who have twitter account wants to get maximum number of followers.Many companies are woorking for increasing followers but All are fake.If you Own a Website then its best way to increase your Twitter followers by introducing a tweet bird widget to your website or blogger.So it can cause of fast online marketing by introducing your product to maximim number of People in the world.
So Through Emerging Blogger Platform i am introducing a Great Flying Tweet Bird Widget for your websites.This Flying bird will fly all over your website pages with the view of visitor.Its softest way to catch the visitor attention without any trouble.You can see tweet Bird Flying on this page.Its an demo virsion.This tweet bird will have direct link to you twitter Profile.
I am introducing a Code , you just need to Customize you username from it.Go to you layout and Put This Code to your desire page.

<!– Twitter Bird Widget for Blogger by –>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=””>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var twitterAccount = “FawadC”;
var tweetThisText = ” <data:blog.pageTitle/> : <data:blog.url/> “;
<span style=”font-size:11px;position:absolute;”><a title=’Blogger Widget by’ href=”” target=’_blank’></a></span>
<!– Twitter Bird Widget for Blogger by –>.

If You Have any Problem with using this widget tell us by comment below.If you have best idea regarding this topic please tell us as Emerging Bloggers is your platform.

Difference between FTP and TELNET. TELNET and FTP.

I am going to introduce TELNET and FTP and what is difference between TELNET and FTP. Mostly use in Information technology.These two term we remember for file transfer and connecting computer to internet.

Telnet is a program that allows you to connect to a remote computer to the internet.After connecting to computer, Your computer acts like a terminal directory linked to the remote computer.
Telnet is available on the world wide web.The most common web based resources available through Telnet are library catalogs. A telnet Program must be installed on your local computer and configured to your web browser in order to work.

FTP Stands for File transfer protocol.It is used on internet for sending files from one place to another. It is specially designed for professionals. Audio, Video, Graphics and data files can be uploaded or downloaded using this protocol.

Different softwares are available, which use this protocol for transferring files on the internet.CuteFTP and WS_FTP are examples of FTP Software.

What is URL, Full URL term Explain, URL Stands for ?

URL Stands for uniform resource locator.The URL is the web address for any given web document. Every web document has a unique URL. Each URL has several parts, which can be demonstrated using the address.

http:// This part of the address indicates that it is a web page.

WWW This indicates that the web page you are looking at is part of world wide web. Many websites do not use www but they are still part of the web, as you can see This part of the address is the domain name and indicates the unique address of a website. The domain name also often indicates the type of website.

/services/ The “/” symbol indicates you have moved into a specific directory in the web server. Directories are like the folders on your computer and help to organize web pages in web sites.

Index.htm A word with “.htm” or “.html” following it indicates the name of the specific page in the website you are looking at.

Now its over, i explained the term URL , i hope you all understand.Any question ? type your comment or tweet me @FawadC .